Massive War 4

In the 12 months 2082 people require colonized Mars and Pluto. world is now not a prosperous international, however is still a powerful military power.....

Play Massive War 4 below

In the 12 months 2082 people require colonized Mars and Pluto. world is now not a prosperous international, however is still a powerful military power. whilst scientist uncover it seems that rich international called the Bluegreen world each internationals sends their troops to battle for control above the up to date international. teach soldiers and construct military gadgets and systems to abovepower your combatants.

directions: Keyboard shortcuts: [Q] - fast in advance to the still left. [W] - fast in advance to the middle. [E] - fast in advance to the appropriate. click at the icons to coach gadgets or employ the [1-three..6] quantity keys. click at the formation howeverplenty to change formations. click at the threshold of the monitor whilst scrolling to speed it up.

management: - shoot still left_moemploy - leap na - movement moemploy

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